Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Final research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Final research report - Essay Example Additionally, the study concludes by providing some recommendations that ought to be implemented in order to enhance the success of the product in the market. The aim of this study was to examine the essence of a new product by Google referred to as Google Glass. In the past few years, provision of medical care in health centers has been associated with some challenges due to the advancement of some diseases and complications related to health. The issue of security has also been one of the key subjects in almost all organizations in the world. Performance of activities in fixed places has also been a source of worry for many years. For instance, many accidents in the world are as a result of multitasking. Majority of the drivers cause accidents of operating their Smartphones while driving. It is as a result of this that I saw it well to research on Google Glasses as well as advocate their introduction and usage in everyday activities. Google Glass was launched in 2012 by Google Company. However, its usage was not rampant because of lack of awareness, only a few people knew about Google Glasses leave its advantages to this technological world alone. This is evidenced by the fact that the use of the Glass was opposed by many people who knew nothing about their applicability in the current life. In tandem with this, I saw it well to provide some of the best features of Google Glass in this report so as to back up my choice of the product. Google Glass has the potential to record videos, as well as take pictures without incorporation of the hands. With this feature, one can record criminal activities as well as take photos of the persons behaving in a unique way. In other words, the Glass can aid significantly in combating crimes such as terrorism and other types of violence in a given environment. Google Glass also serves as means of communication. This is evidenced by the fact that users of Google Glasses can send messages and emails to each other via

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